Geometric Keys of Vedic Wisdom
Recovering the Supramental, Spherical and Solar Light
of the Vedic Seers in the AGE OF AQUARIUS
Recovering the Supramental, Spherical and Solar Light
of the Vedic Seers in the AGE OF AQUARIUS
“[Supermind] creates universal order out of infinity. Its awakening into action brings down, says the Veda, the unrestricted downpour of the rain of heaven, — the full flowing of the seven rivers from a superior sea of light and power and joy. It reveals Sachchidananda.… [i]t harmonises for us all the oppositions, divisions, contrarieties of existence and shows us in them the One and the Infinite.” ‒ Sri Aurobindo
"The World is preparing for a big change. Will you help? That big change is the emergence upon earth of a new race which will be to man what man is to the animal. The consciousness of that new race is already at work on the earth to enlighten all those who are capable of receiving and listening to it.” ‒ The Mother (1 January 1970)
‘Our goal during this Age … is to enlighten the masses and render them capable of seeing the Reality. We are faced with the task of eliminating the Ignorance, and this can be done only by first seeing properly.... The purpose of our times, and...the purpose of astrology, is to give man a means by which he can learn to perceive integrally—that is to gain a view of the total movement….’ ‒ Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, The Gnostic Circle
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