I self-published Geometric Keys of Vedic Wisdom (book) in 2018 and used 360Lotus Press as my publishing company name. Sri Aurobindo’s given name, Aravinda means Lotus; and the Lotus flower has long been associated with Vishnu — the Preserver of the Sanatana Dharma (Eternal Law) of the Vedas. Sri Aurobindo’s satkona symbol contains in itself the “Lotus of the Avatar” resting on seven waves, symbolizing the SEVEN RIVERS of the Vedas. During my first trip to Pondicherry, I realized that my name, Lori Tompkins, compresses to LOTOS, the (Romanized) Greek spelling of LOTUS, and from that time on, I have considered Lotus to be my spiritual name. The number 360 is a reference to the 360 degrees of the Circle/Zodiac and a numeric symbol of the wholistic, supramental and cosmic consciousness of the Vedic Seers. Also, the gematria of my first name LORI happens to be 3-6-9-9 (via L=12 = 3; O = 24 = 6; R = 18 = 9; and I = 9, which is equivalent to 360 when the 9's are dropped to 0, or 9 in terms of number power (12+24+18+9=63=6+3=9)
I constructed 360Lotus.com website after publishing Geometric Keys of Vedic Wisdom (book), as a resource and catalogue of my articles and series which are hard to search and see as a whole on Geometric Keys of Vedic Wisdom Blog. I also built this site as a resource for those who are interested in learning more about the Supramental Yoga and Cosmology of Sri Aurobindo, the Mother and Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet (Thea). In the LIBRARY readers will find many links to their works and archives, most of which are freely available (with the exception of Thea's books which are available for purchase).
I grew up on the James River in Virginia and enjoyed a charmed childhood and adolescence in many ways. I graduated from UVA with a BA in English in 1991 and then moved to Colorado and got an MA in Education and Curriculum Development at UC Boulder (1994). Thanks to a family tragedy—the suicide of my father—my main interest after graduating from UVA was spiritual studies and in 1993 I reconnected with and recognized Sri Aurobindo as my principal guide and teacher. In April of 1999 I became a hatha yoga instructor; and later that year, on 9.9.1999, Sri Aurobindo appeared to me in a waking vision and told me I was going to India, and so I went. When I got to Pondicherry on 11.1.2000, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (though no longer living) together impressed upon me the knowledge that there was a THIRD component of the Supramental Descent that would be rejected by the Sri Aurobindo Ashram and its communities which had become crystalized like a religion. At the end of that trip I moved to the Bay Area of California where I found The Gnostic Circle – A Synthesis in the Harmonies of the Cosmos by Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet (Thea), It was crystal clear to me that the author of that book was the THIRD element of the Supramental Descent that I had been informed of in Pondicherry. Finding this book and its author quickly made sense of the strange circumstances of my trip to India and the high strangeness of my life up to that point.
From 2000 to 2016 I studied Thea’s Supramental cosmology intensively and helped her present her teachings online. In February of 2016, in conjunction with my 47th birthday, I began receiving a book in my consciousness about the role that the sacred geometry of the Vesica Piscis (and its indwelling Radius) plays in Vishnu’s restoration of the Sanatana Dharma (Eternal Law) of the Vedic Seers in the Age of Aquarius. On 2 October 2016, this descent became a flood of new revelations about how the Vesica Piscis functions as an essential key of understanding the SEVEN RIVERS of the Vedas, the Rig Veda itself, and related post-Vedic mythologies. Seven days after this flood of gnosis began, Thea passed away and I continued to receive a torrent of revelatory gnosis into 2017 and beyond.
Since publishing Geometric Keys of Vedic Wisdom (11 January 2018), I have continued to write about and share what I have learned, and continue to learn, regarding the role of sacred geometry in restoring the Sanatana Dharma of the Vedic Seers and with it, the lost sense of a wide array of ancient symbols and myths across the world.
See Geometric Keys of Vedic Wisdom (book) for the FULL story of how the geometric and zodiacal sense of the Seven Rivers of the Vedas (=the Seven Vials of St. John’s Revelation/Apocalypse), along with hundreds of other ancient symbols and mythologies, were released in 2016. The images below are from Geometric Keys of Vedic Wisdom, book and blog & are live links to articles where the image is discussed. See the SYMBOLS & MYTHS GALLERY for a larger collection of some of the mythological, zodiacal and geometric symbolism that I have discussed. See also 360Lotus's MYTHOLOGY & SACRED GEOMETRY PINTEREST BOARD for an even larger collection of mythologies and symbols that are based on the Sacred Geometry of the Zodiac, some of which I have already written about and some of which I have not yet written about.
Pisces Petroglyph, 12,000 BCE, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India (BBC), with an overlay of two vesicae piscis within a circle. From: THE OBSTRUCTION OF THE VEDIC WATERS ⁓ 4.
The 432,000 measure of the Vesica Piscis/Sun, Geometric Keys of Vedic Wisdom (p.1), 2018
The Vesica Piscis is the geometric basis of Vishnu's Matsya (Fish) & Kurma (Turtle) Avatars. Geometric Keys of Vedic Wisdom, p. 123.
Vishnu's Dharma-saving Turtle Avatar (Kurma).
Christ within the Vesica Pisics, surrounded by the Four Preservation-sign "beasts" of the Zodiac: Bull, Lion, Eagle, Man.
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