As told in Part Two of Geometric Keys of Vedic Wisdom (book), the vesica piscis revealed itself to me in February-September of 2016 as a key of Vishnu's avatars and of the Sanatana Dharma (Eternal Law) they preserve and restore in the world in their respective Ages. Then on 2 October 2016, seven days before the passing of Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet (Thea), while mountain biking along a dry creek bed, I came to see and understand the Vedic River as a symbol of the vesica piscis arcing and flowing through the Zodiac (=Vedic Year/Sacrifice).
I saw that the first seven vesicae piscium (=RIVERS) of the Zodiac flow precisely to the entrance to the sign of the Water Bearer — 0° Aquarius. I simultaneously saw the Aquarian Jar or Kumbha as a veiled symbol of the "vessel" of the vesica piscis. I likewise understood the Apocalyptic release of the seven vials or bowls of St. John's Revelation as a spinoff of the Vedic Apocalypse which foretells of the un-eclipsing and establishment of the unifying Truth-Consciousness (= Solar Consciousness = Supramental Consciousness) in our world, in the Age of Aquarius/Kumbha. Below left is an image of the dry creek bed that helped me to SEE the geometric sense of the Vedic River, arcing and flowing through the Zodiac. The images that follow to the right are from my book and blog, demonstrating the flow of the seven rivers through ten signs of the Zodiac to Aquarius/Kumbha. The last image in this group is of the same creek bed, flowing with water, as it does most winters.
The Aquarian Water Bearer pouring out his Jar/Kumbha, [William] Hone's Everyday Book (1826).
In the Rig Veda the seven rivers gestate and give birth to the Divine Son-Sage-Horse Agni, aka the self-purifying Soma Pavamana. And just like the Divine Son (=the Hidden One, Bull, Calf, etc.), the seven (ETERNAL) rivers have MANY alternative names or equivalencies, including seven mothers, sisters, cows, mares, daughters, goddesses, dawns, virgins, floods, friends, streams, drops, draughts (libations), ritual offerings, voices, songs, hymns, tones, thoughts, flames, communities, reins, steps, paths, regions, castles, and forts. I came to see that the vesica piscis and the Aquarian Kumbha go by hundreds of names in the Vedas. And with this understanding of how the Vedic Seers hid their knowledge via assigning MANY varied names to the SAME geometric and zodiacal figures, the varied symbols of many mythologies throughout the world, including but not limited to mythologies prominently featuring the number SEVEN, began to make cohesive integral sense. The Seven Hathors (Cow-headed goddesses) of Egypt, featured in the banner above, is one example. The Seven Rituals of White Buffalo Calf Woman is another. I have discussed many of these interrelated symbols in my book and blog, and there are others I have not yet had time to write about, including some of the symbols AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE. Hopefully it won't be long until I get around to discussing the symbols and mythologies featuring the sacred number seven that I haven't addressed yet. (Note: The images I have written about are, or soon will be, active links to an article where I've discussed the geometric, zodiacal and Vedic sense of the imagery.)
It is necessary to mention that once I saw that the first seven vesicae piscium of the Zodiac measure out 0° Aquarius, I realized that Thea's seeing of the zodiacal location of the release of the Seven Rivers at 10° Capricorn—the 7 Point of the Year—was off by 20°. She correctly saw and understood the release of the seven rivers as a victory occurring in the heavenly Swar quadrant—the final quadrant of the Zodiac, but she was simply unaware that these sacred and eternal rivers represent the Sanatana Dharma (Eternal Law) and Divine Maya (Divine Measure) of the vesica piscis and its indwelling radius (=son) that together measure out the circle of the Zodiac. As a result, she did not see the geometric sense and measure of Agni's seven-river journey and birth which brings him to his Jar or Kumbha. Like his seven rivers or mothers, the location of Agni's victorious seven-fold birth was also given hundreds of names by the Vedic Poets. Thea’s view of the 10° Capricorn location of the seven Vedic rivers, as presented in The New Way, Vols. 1 & 2 , is shown to the right and then again below, far-left. Below, far-right, I have added the circle (the SOLAR HALO) and arc of the seventh mother (aka Saraswati), formed by the indwelling radius of the Sagittarian Son-Sage-Horse who flows to the Jar or Kumbha of Aquarius – the meeting or gathering place of the rivers and of the Vedic gods and goddesses.
The Seven Rivers of the Vedas, Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, The New Way, Vols. 1 & 2, p. 413
I experienced the download of revelations about the seven rivers and the role of the vesica piscis in restoring the Sanatana Dharma of the Vedic Rishis in 2016 as a great Supramental and Vedic Victory which unfolded in conjunction with Thea’s passing. I experienced it as an unexpected birth of new keys of unifying gnosis, as well as the birth of a whole new experience and understanding of the Supramental Yoga, the Vedic and Biblical "Apocalypse", and the sign and Age of Aquarius. It likewise birthed, in me, an entirely new understanding and experience of my own life and yoga.
What I have shared about this birth of new gnosis has been met by the bulk of Thea’s small “Inner Circle” of students (of which I was a part) with a combination of disinterest, dismissal, and accusations to the effect that I am out to negate and diminish Thea’s work. The problem that I present for these students is multi-fold, but it largely boils down to their inability to accept that Thea was missing something in her seeing and understanding of the Vedic Rivers, and the location of their release in the Zodiac; and likewise, their inability to accept that I received gnosis in conjunction with Thea's passing that furthers Sri Aurobindo's avataric mission of restoring the Sanatana Dharma. They interpret my story of receiving the geometric key of the Vedas and my presentations of its importance and significance as essentially heresy, egoic self-aggrandizement, and falsehood. As a result, I have little to no contact with this group of students anymore, a handful of whom have taken over the management of Thea's centre in India (Aeon Centre of Cosmology).
In my view and experience, Thea's incomplete understanding of the Vedic rivers does not diminish her yoga in any way. In the Supramental view and consciousness, one can see that everything is organized to perfection, exactly as needed, without exception, including that which is withheld from our consciousness. Via this view, one can appreciate that Thea saw, presented and accomplished exactly what she needed to in the course of her yoga. As I see it, Sri Aurobindo, the Mother, and Thea collectively accomplished—over the course of 144 years (1872-2016)—the release of the geometric and zodiacal sense of the Vedic Rivers (=sisters, mothers, goddesses, cows, mares, etc.). As a necessary component of this Supramental play and victory, I was put in place as the Aquarian vessel (born in the sign of the Water Bearer) who receives and pours out the long forgotten geometric sense, truth, and Eternal Law of these purifying “Waters” from their sacred Vessel (=Jar or Kumbha) in the Age of Aquarius. I see these Vedic rivers and their eternal form, measure, and law as being collectively and progressively liberated by Sri Aurobindo, the Mother, and Thea, from the cave of humanity's linear mental Ignorance. The circle-born form of the Vedic rivers simply could not be SEEN and FULLY LIBERATED until Thea completed her yoga of firmly reestablishing on Earth the Spherical Consciousness of the Vedic Rishis and the 360° zodiacal context of the Rig Veda.
Mesopotamian Hero-God (≈Ninurta) & Seven-Headed Hybrid (Serpent-Leopard) with Waters, ≈2500 BCE.
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