"[T]he date of 7.10 or 10.7 of Hamas’s Operation Al Aqsa Flood attack, whichever way it is written, contains the numbers, markers, or measures of the Vedic Son’s apocalyptic flood and victory over ignorance and evil in the world.... Given what has been revealed since October 2016 regarding the geometric, zodiacal, and cohesive sense of the seven rivers and the ten months they measure out, I see Hamas’s “FLOOD” of violence against Israel on a 7th day of the 10th month of the 7-powered year of 2023, 7-years after the October 2016 revelations about geometric and zodiacal sense of the Vedic Flood, as a powerful supramental synchronicity and multidimensional symbol. "
"[T]he Divine Vedic Son, aka Agni, is not only the Son of his two mothers — the circle of the Zodiac and the "vessel" of the vesica piscis on the geometric level — he is also their architect. He is the eternal pillar, skambha and establisher of the eternal law (sanatana dharma) and divine measure (=divine maya) of the ancient Zodiac (aka the “Circle of Life”) and of all spheres, mundane and celestial. And being the immortal Son, architect, and “ruler” of the Zodiac, he can be understood as the hidden all-harmonizing Son, “One”, architect, soul, Sol Invictus, ruler or measurer of cyclical Time and spherical geometry. The Divine Son can also be seen as the architect, harmonizer, and knower of the harmony of the celestial spheres, including of course the sphere of the Earth."
“[Once we understand] the Vedic sense and origin of the ancient symbol and mystery of the Three Hares, as well as the symbol and mystery of the Three Fish with One Head [related to the imagery of Vishnu's Three Steps or Trivikrama], then we can see them as symbols of not only the subtle triadic sacred geometry of the circle, but also as symbols containing in themselves the Vedic prophecy of the birth, revelation or apocalypse of the Divine Sage-Son.”
Link to Article
"[The] precious Vedic key and treasure [of the Vesica Piscis] is now HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT in Central Vista ‒ the heart of the Indian government in New Delhi.."
"[T]he FIXED WATER sign of Scorpio (as Thea wrote) is precisely THE sign of the Zodiac that symbolizes the entrapment, stagnation or INERTIA of the Vedic Waters in the Cave of Ignorance.... [T]he blockage of the Vedic Waters in the 8th sign of Scorpio is equivalent to the long-standing ignorance of how these eternal waters FLOW through, measure out and nourish the Zodiacal circle...." (2021-22)
"[America, France, England—the present Allied nations have] deliberately spread these ideals [liberty, democracy, equality, international justice and the rest] and spread too the institutions which try to embody them. Whatever the relative worth of these things—they have been a stage, even if a still imperfect stage of the forward evolution…."
‒ Sri Aurobindo
At present mankind is undergoing an evolutionary crisis in which is concealed a choice of its destiny; for a stage has been reached in which the human mind has achieved in certain directions an enormous development while in others it stands arrested and bewildered and can no longer find its way. ‒ Sri Aurobindo
"[T]he Three Fish with One Head symbol found across various regions and religions of the world ... is a symbol of the three vesicae piscis [Three Fish] which function as a triadic key of restoring the Eternal Law (Eternal Truth) that Vishnu’s avatars are prophesied to restore in certain Ages – this current Age of Aquarius being one such Age." (2020)
"[Saraswati] is not only an ancient river of India, she is also an ancient heavenly ‘river’ of the Zodiac. It is by her eternal form and by her divine or sacred measure that the 12-month Yajna/Zodiac is perfectly measured out." (2018) - Link to Article
"The whole is brought with lightening speed toward the consciousness that will be this Consciousness of the point &the whole at the same time.’ – The Mother, 19 November 1969
Link to Article (2011)
"[The supramental will] of one’s own soul, literally shows itself in the 360 degree ‘superstructure’ of cyclical time. The degree to which this structure is seen, is the degree to which the One Self of all selves is known."
Link to Article (2009)
" I cannot help but imagining that India’s great sage Sri Aurobindo would be openly critical of anyone positing a conversion strategy as the defining mission for Hindus from 2020 onward." (2020)
" With this [geometric] key, it becomes glaringly apparent that the vast majority of all the world’s ancient symbols and lore ‒ including the symbols and lore of the Zodiac ‒ have been chronically misunderstood due to being separated from their true Vedic context."
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